Hypnosis for Anxiety

Anxiety is something that can feel really hopeless sometimes. It can feel like the only solution people give you is to do breathing exercises and calm down a bit. Which when you really struggle with anxiety, doesn’t seem to help all that much.

This is why I have made it my mission to help people suffering with anxiety through hypnosis. I want the ‘impossible’ to feel completely possible for my clients.

So, how does hypnosis actually help anxiety? Good question! Anxiety is purely a protective mechanism. It is an evolutionary response that we needed thousands of years ago to protect us from actual predators. The thing is, our brains have stayed the same but society has completely evolved. The predators now are other peoples thoughts about you, social media, work/university deadlines, you name it!

Hypnosis for anxiety is all about retraining your brain and what it perceives as a threat. We all have this wonderful thing called neuroplasticity which is our brains capacity to be to rewired, to shapeshift, to mould to create different beliefs for us to live by.

Hypnosis for anxiety is also all about getting to the core of why your brain believes certain things are a threat to you, and WHAT this anxiety is trying to protect you from.

Hypnosis for anxiety is such an effective way of healing anxiety and releasing anxiety which is why I made it my speciality.

If you are wanting to overcome your anxiety, please book in a free discovery call with me today!

Lilli x


Advice I give to my clients


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